Rosario Magro

Rashad Mammadli

Emiliano Mandrone

Primo Ricercatore ISTAT, Economista del lavoro

Paolo Maranzano

Since January 2022, Paolo Maranzano ( is Junior Assistant Professor (RTD-A) of Economic Statistics (SECS-S/03) at the Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) of the University of Milano-Bicocca. Also, from February 2022 he serves as Associate Researcher within the Econometrics of the Energy Transition research group at Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation in Milan. His research activity and interests focus on environmetrics, statistics and econometrics applied to environmental, energy and socio-economic fields. Most of his research focuses on the statistical analysis of air quality and agriculture, with a particular attention to the case of the Po Valley and Lombardy. In recent years he has also developed methodologies for time series aimed at analyzing the impacts of events and policies on pollution levels in Italy. Other interests include the Italian fuel market, the European electricity market, and the macroeconometrics applied to sustainable development connected to educational and income inequality in Europe.

Francesca Mariani

Vincenzo Marinello

Professore Aggregato di Statistica Economica, Statistica Aziendale, Controllo Statistico della Qualità - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Giuridiche - Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore"

Giorgia Marini

Ricercatore confermato in Scienza delle Finanze (SECS-P/03) Facoltà di Giurisprudenza La Sapienza-Università di Roma

Franco Marozza

Luigi Martone

Isabella Martucci