RIEDS – Vol. LXVI-2 April-June 2012

Download Volume 66 Number 2, 2012

Mobility and development: the role of tourism


  • Giovanni Maria Giorgi
    Introduction to the XLIX Scientific Meeting of the SIEDS
  • Paolo De Nardis, Luca Alteri
    The confines of identity: the “second generations”
  • Stefania Girone
    Old and new assets in the issue of urbanization: the Mediterranean Basin between the EU and the Arab world
  • Sveva Avveduto
    High skilled migration: still a brain drain problem?
  • Elvio Mattioli e Giuseppe Ricciardo Lamonica
    Degree of integration and activation power of tourism in the European countries’ economies: an input-output analysis
  • Maria Rosaria Carli
    New prospects for tourism: the case of the Sorrento peninsula
  • Paolo Dell’Olmo
    The evolution of optimization models supporting mobility policies and territory development
  • Romeo Danielis, Lucia Rotaris, Eva Valeri
    Carsharing for tourists
  • Edoardo Marcucci, Amanda Stathopoulos, Romeo Danielis
    Urban freight policies and tourism. The case of own-account operators in Rome’s limited traffic zone
  • Jérôme Massiani, Giovanni Santoro
    The relevance of the concept of capacity for the management of a tourist destination: theory and application to tourism management in Venice
  • Cristina Mottironi, Magda Antonioli Corigliano
    Tourist destination competitiveness: the role of cooperation
  • Tiziana Cuccia
    Is it worth being inscribed in the world heritage list? A case study of “The Baroque cities in Val di Noto” (Sicily)
  • Vincenzo Asero, Rosario D’Agata, Venera Tomaselli
    Tourism demand in Sicilian Tourist Districts
  • Antonino Mario Oliveri, Anna Maria Parroco, Franco Vaccina
    Tourist mobility and destination competitiveness
  • Giuseppe Notarstefano, Serena Volo
    Measuring the impact of tourism: a ‘territorial’ approach
  • Marco Gallegati
    Destinations’ competitiveness and tourist satisfaction surveys: an economic analysis