RIEDS – Vol. LXXVII-1 January-March 2023

Download Volume 77 Number 1, 2023


Andrea Cutillo
The measurement of absolute poverty in Italy: an overview and a revision based on the database of real estate leases of the tax agency

Monica Airoldi, Arianna Carra, Daniela Corso, Stefania Della Queva, Sabrina Stoppiello, Flavio Verrecchia
Vulnerable families and children exposed to the Cobra Effect: insights from a positive and normative analysis

Anna Pia M. Mirto, Daniela Vacca, Enrico Olla, Francesca Abate
Fragilities and advantages of coastal areas in the Mediterranean basin

Antonella Bianchino, Daniela Fusco, Paola Giordano
Discovering inner rural areas, perspectives and limits of continuous censuses

Michele Camisasca, Eva Pietrantonio, Rosario Magro, Alessandro Arborea, Anna Fabiani, Claudio Giordano, Marcella Pietrantonio, Adeodato Sparano
A pandemic health risk management model for the protection of workers: the Istat experience

Nunzia Balì, Claudio Ceccarelli, Maria Teresa Fiori, Alessandra Lugli, Francesca Rossetti
Impact of digital learning on the interviewer’s performance

Barbara Boschetto, Eugenia De Rosa, Antonella Iorio
Safety at work in Italy in a gender approach: psychosocial risks

Giuliana Freni
Child brides in XIX century Italy: the case of Montallegro (AG)

Marina Cavalieri, Daniela Di Pasquale, Benedetto Torrisi,
Gianpiero Torrisi
An empirical take on the economic effects of insularity: the Italian regional case

Simona Ballabio, Flavio Verrecchia, Alberto Vitalini
Processes of marginalization: dynamics in Lombardy

Alessandra Dentini, Matteo Mazziotta, Iole Zeppieri
The destinations of research activity in Istat: statistical methods of business intelligence for enhancing territorial information

Diego Chianella
Variance estimation of changes in overlapping samples: an application to the Italian survey on service turnover
(Best Young Researcher Paper 2022) [download]

Maria Rita Ippoliti, Luigi Martone, Fabiana Sartor, Graziella Spera
Surveys on trade sector: a comparison between qualitative and quantitative indicators

Fabio Lipizzi, Alberto Sabbi, Stefano Mugnoli, Germana Endennani, Marina Arcasenza
Istat enumeration areas 2021: main features

Cira Acampora, Antonella La Faci, Valeriana Leporanico,
Massimo Potenzieri, Matteo Potenzieri
Italian inner areas: demographic characteristics, employment and commuting and territorial differentiations

Riccardo Abbate, Alberto Dolce, Rosario Milazzo, Antonio Pannico
Issues and solutions using open street map: the case of secondary roads in Sicily

Simone De Angelis, Simona Mastroluca, Valeria Quondamstefano
The permanent population census and new opportunities for annual data dissemination at municipal level: a focus on employed persons by educational attainment in Italy’s large cities