RIEDS – Vol. LXXVII-3 July-September 2023

Volume 77 Number 3, 2023


Alessandro Rosina, Roberto Impicciatore
The end of a growing Italy. What are the conditions for well-being and development in an aging population?

Gennaro Di Fraia, Valeria Quondamstefano,
Mariangela Verrascina
Measuring the ageing of Italian population with composite indicators using municipal data from the decennial population censuses

Donatella Cangialosi, Debora Tronu, Daniela Vacca
The ageing of the population in urban contexts: a study on Italian metropolitan cities

Andrea Spizzichino, Cinzia Graziani, Maurizio Lucarelli
Effects of population ageing on employment in Italy

Danilo Bolano, Alessandro Di Nallo, Chiara Serra,
Christian Munter
Italian demographic landscape: unveiling the impact of residential mobility on population change

Giuseppe Gabrielli, Anna Paterno, Michele Dezio
Migrants’ characteristics, working and living conditions in the household services

Evelina Paluzzi, Damiano Abbatini, Stefania Lucchetti
Housing condition of foreigners in Italy

Valentina Ferri, Giovanna Di Castro, Salvatore Marsiglia
Does the immigrant background affect student achievement? cross-country comparisons of Pisa scores

Paolo Bonomi, Laura Terzera
Learning performances of unaccompanied foreign minors: a case study

Oliviero Casacchia, Cinzia Conti, Camilla Pangallo,
Fabio Massimo Rottino
Beyond the emergency: characteristics and behaviour of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy

Giulia Cavrini, Marina Marino, Agostino Stavolo
The narrative of the social frailty of the older population in the Italian press

Carla Ventre, Elena Ambrosetti
Vulnerable women population during the COVID-19 pandemic

Carolina Ciccaglioni, Loredana Di Consiglio, Tiziana Pichiorri, Fabrizio Solari
Measurement of daily commuting in the italian permanent population census

Lucia Zanotto
Is life expectancy enough?Estimating age-specific mortality rates by considering the relationship between Siler model parameters and life expectancy at birth

Lorella Sicuro, Domenico Tucci, Rosalia Coniglio
The care needs of frail elderly: a regional analysis of the supply of health care services

Nidia Batic
The point of view of children of primary school on bullyism