Federico Benassi, Luca Salvati
Development, territory, sustainability: some reflections on the role of urbanization and demographic dynamics
Antonella Bernardini, Angela Chieppa, Tiziana Tamburrano
Discovering individual profiles from administrative signs of life useful for the estimation of Census results
Michele D’Alò, Andrea Fasulo, Francesco Isidori,
Maria Giovanna Ranalli
Small area estimation of severe functional limitation from Italian data of the European Health Interview Survey
Margherita Gerolimetto, Stefano Magrini
Further development on the power of the double frequency Dickey Fuller test on unit roots
Gennaro Di Fraia, Valeria Quondamstefano, Mariangela Verrascina
Composite indicator for measuring the depopulation of Italian municipalities by the permanent population census results
Alberto Vitalini, Simona Ballabio, Flavio Verrecchia
Rebuilding a pseudo population register for estimating physical vulnerability at the local level: a case study of spatial microsimulation in Sondrio
Alessandra Nurra, Giovanni Seri, Valeria Tomeo
Integration between data from register and sample surveys: enterprises classified by use of ICT and economic indicators
Maria Rita Ippoliti, Luigi Martone, Fabiana Sartor
Building an integrated database for the trade sector for the period 2010- 2022
Damiano Abbatini, Tiziana Clary, Raffaella Chiocchini, Davide Fardelli, Angela Ferruzza, Luisa Franconi, Fabio Lipizzi, Stefania Lucchetti, Stefano Mugnoli, Enrico Orsini,
Andrea Pagano, Alberto Sabbi, Gianluigi Salvucci, Assunta Sera, Pina Ticca
Statistical register of places: opportunities for sustainable and climate change related indicators
Domenico Adamo, Gianpiero Bianchi, Lucia Mongelli
Re-engineering environmental data collection in cities
Sabrina Barcherini, Katia Bontempi, Manuela Bussola,
Barbara Maria Rosa Lorè, Simona Rosati
Evaluating computer-assisted questionnaire usability: the case of permanent census of the population and housing
Viet Duong Nguyen, Chiara Gigliarano
Weight optimization for composite indicators based on variable importance: an application to measuring well-being in European Regions
Maria Carella, Roberta Misuraca
Subjective well-being and heterogeneity in cultural consumption in aging populations
Massimo Mucciardi, Giovanni Pirrotta, Mary Ellen Toffle
Measuring the spatial concentration of the main foreign communities residing in Italy using a new approach
Roberta Varriale, Nevio Albo, Cecilia Casagrande, Valeria Olivieri
The statistical register for public administrations, some methodological aspect
Claudia Fabi
Instant messaging tools in official statistics: a usage model in the 7° Italian census of agriculture
Katia Bontempi, Samanta Pietropaoli
Composite indices for measuring the complexity “of data collection” in Italian municipalities
Alessandra Adduci, Edoardo Latessa, Luca Muzzioli
The challenges of tracking early childhood development: a new methodological approach using the Mazziotta-Pareto index
Andrea Ballerini, Raffaele Guetto
Single-parent families and adolescents’ wellbeing in Europe: a multilevel analysis
(Best Young Researcher Paper 2023)
Eleonora Miaci, Raffaele Guetto, Daniele Vignoli
Fertility intentions in Italy during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Evidence from the Familydemic survey
Fabrizio De Fausti, Roberta Radini, Tiziana Tuoto, Luca Valentino
Mobile phone data for population estimates and for mobility and commuting pattern analyses
Monica Perez, Linda Porciani, Federico De Cicco
A web survey on an elusive population: a focus on indicators to manage data collection process